Our research group finds U.F.O. and Aliens’ footprints.

Parimal 5{This article is English version of previously published article titled– यू एफ ओ, एलियंस के पैरों के निशान और क्रॉस निशान मिले हमारे खोजी दल को which was published on 7th August 2016 on “Svyam Bane Gopal” Group’s website}–

{The following article is based on the personal thoughts of Doctor Saurabh Upadhyay who is a prudent researcher of Space Science and is associated with “Svyam Bane Gopal” Group}

During an expedition, the search team of “Svyam bane gopal” group found “Seehor” marks (see attached photos) in north India.

We had never seen such grand “Seehor” mark before and nor did we read anything about it in any ancient granths (most ancient Hindu religious books).

In our investigation, we found that even the care taker of the land where this mark was seen, was completely unaware when and how this mark got inscribed on his land and by whom.

While contacting to the venerated divine saints, this was known that this cross mark is called “Seehor” and this Seehor mark is an omen of forewarning of the deities to the humans of the earth, to ameliorate and stop committing the sins (to lie, killing animals for taste, immoral earnings etc.) right away otherwise even we deities will no more be able to save you from the wrath of the Nature – the Mahamaya.

Parimal 6Divine saints told that all ‘Rishi gana’ (hermits) including ‘Saptarshi’ and ‘Dev gana’ (deities) unceasingly keep working for maintaining the harmony of ‘Sattva’ (bliss, goodness), ‘Raja’ (passion, motion) and ‘Tama’ (evilness, darkness) guna (virtues) inside the countless no. of universes created by God because God has Himself instructed them for the same.

During the investigation of Seehor mark only, in the night the search team of ‘Svyam bane gopal’ group saw some tiny dots of lights making some unordinary movements at a far corner of sky, which we immediately recorded in our mobile camera (see the attached videos below).


On the basis of our experience of researches of the universe and aliens, we concluded that these dots of lights were U.F.O. only !

Parimal 1Parimal 3To add much to our amazement, a huge mark of the paws of a colossal creature was found at a small distance from the Seehor mark which surely didn’t seem to be of any known creature on the earth.

Parimal 2It can be imagined how gigantic being it itself would be, having such enormously large (around 6.5 feet long) paws.

Who this creature was and whether it came from a different world or dimension, is unknown to us for now, but undoubtedly, finding the proofs related to the entities of the second world imbrued with myriads of unresolved mysteries, can be termed as a significant discovery.

While asking the venerated divine saints about these all, only this was answered to us, Just get to know the fact for now that in the upcoming era of ‘Maha Parivartan’ (an enormous change), there are a lot of upheavals to happen ! The earth is groaning with the load of sins and peccancy spread across the world specifically because of non vegetarianism, due to which, countless innocent, faultless creatures are murdered and their bloods are dumped on this mother earth, the nature has got extremely irate with these ever increasing evil tendencies and if the humanity doesn’t re-establish again among the human beings, the results would be unimaginably severe!

Disclaimer- The information mentioned in above article, is best of our knowledge and experience and we have tried our best to make it as accurate as possible, but we would like to request to all our respected readers that it should not be treated as a substitute for any kind of professional advice, diagnosis, treatment or other purposes. “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization is a medium to provide our audience with the common information on various important aspects of human knowledge, and does not guarantee its accuracy or reliability. Even if there is no mention of any precaution or prohibition in article, it never means that we are claiming that our any kind of information is safe for any kind of purpose without any proper consultation with a relevant expert. “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization does not take any kind of responsibility for any aspect of our information. If you have any doubts about information, we strongly recommend you to consult a relevant expert. Thanks to all.

कृपया हमारे फेसबुक पेज से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे एक्स (ट्विटर) पेज से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे ऐप (App) को इंस्टाल करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

डिस्क्लेमर (अस्वीकरण से संबन्धित आवश्यक सूचना)- विभिन्न स्रोतों व अनुभवों से प्राप्त यथासम्भव सही व उपयोगी जानकारियों के आधार पर लिखे गए विभिन्न लेखकों/एक्सपर्ट्स के निजी विचार ही “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान की इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि पर विभिन्न लेखों/कहानियों/कविताओं/पोस्ट्स/विडियोज़ आदि के तौर पर प्रकाशित हैं, लेकिन “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान और इससे जुड़े हुए कोई भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट, इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि के द्वारा, और किसी भी अन्य माध्यम के द्वारा, दी गयी किसी भी तरह की जानकारी की सत्यता, प्रमाणिकता व उपयोगिता का किसी भी प्रकार से दावा, पुष्टि व समर्थन नहीं करतें हैं, इसलिए कृपया इन जानकारियों को किसी भी तरह से प्रयोग में लाने से पहले, प्रत्यक्ष रूप से मिलकर, उन सम्बन्धित जानकारियों के दूसरे एक्सपर्ट्स से भी परामर्श अवश्य ले लें, क्योंकि हर मानव की शारीरिक सरंचना व परिस्थितियां अलग - अलग हो सकतीं हैं ! अतः किसी को भी, “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान की इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि के द्वारा, और इससे जुड़े हुए किसी भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट के द्वारा, और किसी भी अन्य माध्यम के द्वारा, प्राप्त हुई किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी को प्रयोग में लाने से हुई, किसी भी तरह की हानि व समस्या के लिए “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान और इससे जुड़े हुए कोई भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट जिम्मेदार नहीं होंगे ! धन्यवाद !